

Narcissus flowers


In our reading of the myth of “Narcissus”, we read how the Furies “twisted garlands” using the flower, Narcissus.

Who are the Furies?  Write here in seven or more sentences about the Furies.  Use your chart headings to help you wit the information I am looking for in this assignment.

What is the Greek/Roman name for Fury?

Why do you think the Furies were included at the end of this myth?

Who are their parents, etc.  Include the web-sites you found your information.

Don’t forget to add this information to your chart.

This I Believe

Today we listened to Sarah Adam’s belief in “Be[ing] Cool to the Pizza Delivery Dude”.  Answer the following question thoughtfully and reflectively in your comment.

  • ImageWhat is the difference between believing something/someone and believing in something/someone?


  • What are some things that you believe?


  • What are some things that you believe in?


  • Why do you believe in them?

Life without Wikipedia and Google

Answer the following questions without using wikipedia or google from the handout given in class.


Read these two articles:

1.  http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/16/wikipedia-plans-to-go-dark-on-wednesday-to-protest-sopa/

2.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_Online_Piracy_Act

Answer the following questions:

WHY is Wikipedia “going dark” today?

WHAT do the acronyms SOPA and PIPA stand for?
WHAT, basically, are the two bills about?
WHAT other Web sites will protest on Wednesday?

WHO is Jimmy Wales?
WHOM did he address on Monday on Twitter, according to this article?

HOW, according to Mr. Wales, could the bills censor information and links that sites like Wikipedia would be permitted to publish?
HOW do you feel about this issue?

WHERE does this article say that the technology industry been “largely inactive” until now?

American Hero

Romanticism is “a journey away from the corruption of civilization and thelimits of rational thought and toward the integrity of nature and the freedom of the imagination.”

Characteristics of American Romanticism

  • values feeling and intuition over reason
  • places faith in inner experience and the power of the imagination
  • despises the artificiality of civilization and seeks unspoiled nature
  • prefers youthful innocence to educated sophistication
  • champions individual freedom and the worth of the individual
  • contemplates nature’s beaurt as a path to spiritual and moral development
  • looks backward to the wisdom of the past and distrusts progress
  • finds beauty and truth in exotic locales, the supernatural realm, and the inner world of the imagination
  • sees poetry as the highest expression of the imagination
  • finds inspiration in myth, legend, and folk culture

Characteristics of the American Romantic Hero

  • is young, or possesses youthful qualities
  • is innocent and pure of purpose
  • ‘has a sense of honor based not on society’s rules, bu on some higher principle
  • has a knowledge of people and of life based on deep, intuitive understanding, not on formal learning
  • loves nature and avoids town life
  • quests for some higher truth in the natural world

How is Rip Van Winkle seen as a model American Romantic Hero?

War Leaders

The outcome of a battle is determined to some degree by the spirit that a general can instill in his soldiers.

Both “Lonely Particular” and the “St. Crispian’s Day Speech” focus on war leaders. Choose one of the two poems. In an essay, evaluate the effectiveness of the leader (either the General or Henry V).

How much do you admire that person as a war leader and why? Use examples from the poem to support your views.

Independence Day

Describe how this speech relates to the St. Crispin’s Day Speech given by Shakespeare’s Henry V.  Be patient…it may take a long time to load..

Independence Day Speech


Compare and contrast William Wallace’s speech to rally the troops before battle to the St. Crispin Day Speech in Shakespeare’s Henry V.  Which affects you more?  Explain your answer.